Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Road Weary in Utah

Our road weary bodies pulled into Salt Lake City exhausted from thousands of miles in the car.  We were welcomed heartily at Uncle Bobby Baby and Teri’s house with rib feast and a 2400 sq. ft. basement all to ourselves.  It was awesome.  We spent 7 days avoiding the car except for quick trips for groceries and Sunday mass.  It was just what we needed to recover and relax before the next round of travel. 

One highlight of our stay was our gun safety class with Uncle Bob.  I requested this lesson after nine-year-old SoJo asked me several months ago - completely seriously – “Are guns real?”  

I freaked out and realized that I had totally FAILED in the gun safety department, and that is exactly how kids die.  Nine-year-olds that don’t know guns are real, see one at a friend’s house, pick it up, and BLAM – you know the rest.  I had a frantic mom moment, gave her a quick and serious lecture on guns, then made a mental note to ask my pistol-toting brother to take over.  The kids were soberly impressed and even got to practice shooting the bb gun – which they all loved too much – just like their mom.  We were fighting over whose turn it was until every bb was spent, including the ones we found and reused off the ground. 

Whew! Gun safety lesson complete.  Check.  Dogged that bullet. 
Gun Safety Class with Uncle Bobby Baby

Bob and Teri

Enjoying time in the lovely garden.

Our view as we enjoyed every meal on the deck.

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