Saturday, November 11, 2017

Ascorositis aka Cooties by Sofia Leache

At our school when a boy touches a girl, the girls think it is gross. It is called ascorositis - aka cooties. Whenever a boy touches a girl, the girl wipes it off of her and puts it on another girl next to her.  Then she yells, "Ascorositis de (a boy’s name)."  

Whenever a girl wipes ascorositis on me, I just ignore it, because when a boy touches my arm, I am not grossed out.  Sometimes it depends on the boy, if the girl will be grossed out or not.  If the boy picks his nose a lot, then he probably has more ascorositis.  Maybe the ascorositis live inside the nose. 

Sometimes the boys go around touching the girls just to freak them out!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Crying. Laughing so hard. Scott always says his cooties are stronger than anyone's!
