Friday, March 30, 2018

I'm in LOVE, with PAIN and HEALING

Love these two!!
I can never thank them enough for
bringing my life back!!!
I am addicted to physical therapy.  I totally love it.  Never in my life did I imagine I would enjoy the pain and torture of arm manipulation and strength building as much as I do. 

When the staples came out of my arm in December, the realization hit hard that my left arm was little more than a dead weight, and I begrudgingly prepared for a year of rehabilitation to get my arm back to normal.  When we arrived home in Madryn two months after the accident, it had little movement and demanded work to be brought back to life. 
Sonia and Claudio
with a signed jerseys in the background!
They are loved by ALL!

I met Sonia and Claudio at Centro Integral Kinesiologia, aka CIK, a ten minute walk from our house in the center of town.  They were overwhelmingly recommended by the doctors in Buenos Aires as the best therapists in the world, and every day I am astounded by their incredible dedication and work.  Their gym and clinic is filled with framed soccer jerseys scribbled with dedication notes of appreciation, trophies, and a plethora of gifted mates. 

My buddy with the exact same injury, on
the exact same shoulder.  He was run
over by a truck in 2015 and remembers
 the WHOLE experience, including the
SOUND of the bones in his shoulder breaking
and moving his head out of the way of the
tire.  He was on a motorcycle and had on a
helmet when he was hit on AR route 20.
No Joke.
They oversee my exercise routine as I build strength and flexibility.  There is a mountain of stretching designed to separate my shoulder from my homoplato – shoulder blade - which after two months of immobility are united and move as one.  Sometimes I extend the arm myself by pushing it as high as it can go with a cane and more recently I have graduated to hanging from a bar and letting my 52 kilos pull and disconnect the muscles. 

As I lay on the table on my back or side, Claudio physically divides and splits the muscles.  He is no joke and super strong, but I completely trust him.  I am always amazed at how he can use his hands and body to manipulate my arm into positions I never imagined necessary.  I am astounded by his knowledge.  I would never think of half of the motions he comes up with, but ultimately, they make sense.  He takes the time to strengthen my wrist, elbow, arm, and shoulder.  It hurts so good when he sticks his elbow in my axila – armpit - to hold my shoulder blade down while forcing my arm up and away from my body.   
Always smiling, and yes that is the mate too!

The best part of therapy is the atmosphere.  It is friendly, tranquilo, focused, and entertaining.  Whenever our strengthening exercise group is crying in pain from Claudio’s commands, he cheerily reminds us to do everything, “Con uno sonrisa! With a smile!”  The mate is passed around, and I savor the conversations about dirty politicians, mother-in-laws, and life.  It cracks me up that I will be laying on the table with Claudio torqueing my arm to a 7 on the pain scale, while he is sipping a mate and casually conversing with his buddy who comes in every morning to socialize.  When it is my turn for the mate, I sit up, savor every drop of the hot amargo yerba and 15 seconds later I am flat on the table again, smiling with joy and holding back tears of pain. 

I know the day I walk out of CIK for the last time, I won’t be able to hold back the tears.    

Hair Dooooooo!

The Old.
Check out the hair!!  RUN...
The New
Sadly, my brilliant purple and blue hair coloring washed out leaving me with the sharp contrast of a bleached out mop and dark roots.  I wasn’t too concerned about it, and I wasn’t tripping – too badly – until I started seeing the same 16-year-old boy doing flips on the beach every day sporting the exact same haircut and shade – dark and short on the sides, bleached out and longer on top!! 


To save him from the embarrassment of having a matching style with a vieja, old lady, I took action and asked Stella to color my hair again.  I returned to the purple, but with a dark undertone much closer to my natural color.  I recognize myself in the mirror again, and I happily set the energetic wild boy free of vieja embarrassment. 

Friday, March 23, 2018

Mind Madness!

Where's lunch mom?
My memory is so much better than it was a few months ago.  It actually feels normal.  When I was in the hospital Adam would tell me things in the morning, and in the afternoon, it was all new when he told me again.  Thankfully it never bothered me, but it may have annoyed the heck out of him!!  I just used the giant worm shaped scar on my head as an excuse and went with it.  I remember my time in Buenos Aires, but there many details that never imprinted, and my recollection of people and conversations are vague.

Playing in the sand dunes near the wreck.
Things  improved rapidly, but there were still some funny incidents, like the time in January when we planned a picnic lunch at a local beach to explore a visible shipwreck.  We snatched Adam from work, drove to the sunken boat, explored the beach, got hungry, and then realized that I left the entire lunch neatly packed up in a bag on the kitchen counter!  We cracked up, drove home and picnicked in the garden.  No pasa nada!

Or the most recent event when I bought candles for Adam's birthday cake and hid them - really well.  When it was time to decorate the cake, I could not find the candles.  I was just about to give up, when I discover their excellent hiding place, tucked away in the cupboard out of sight from all.  Truth be told, that is something I might have done in a new house, in a new place, prior to brain surgery!

Fortunately I have not forgotten to pick the kids up from school.  That is a relief, especially since we are in a carpool, and I would hate to get fired by the other families!!

Birthdays and Reconciliation!

A few happy memories from the last month!

Adam's 44th birthday!!!  Whoot!  He wanted a family party with Mexican food!!  Delicious!!

Caleb and the amazing
Padre Andre

Caleb's First Reconciliation with Padre Andre.  

Padre Andre was amazing and made all of us feel comfortable.  He is originally from Brazil, lived in Italy for 20 years, worked as a priest on a cruise ship with Italians and Chinese, and now lives in Patagonia.  With all of that he speaks, Portuguese, Italian, English, Spanish and Chinese.  Seriously.  Gaua! Wow!

Celebrating with ice cream! 

SoJo's Double Digit Birthday!!  Yeah!!!  Happy 10th Birthday!

Pancakes for breakfast!  Yummy!!

SoJo picked out her own cake from the bakery.  This was a huge treat for her, and she took a lot of time deciding on the perfect one.  She eventually choose a strawberry jello cake.

When we got home, she wanted to try a bit, so she nibbled and nibbled and before we knew it, there was a large hole in the side.  SoJo decided to FIX the hole and redecorate the cake.  She stuffed a large marshmallow in the gap, put colorful marshmallows around the outside, drizzled it all with chocolate sauce and called it good. Delicious!

The Reconstructed Cake!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Ducking Under

The Sentinel
After meningitis and pussing lesions on my head, shoulder, hip, back, knees, and ankles, the neurosurgeons in California and Buenos Aires were adamant that I not submerge my scars in water.  They were all concerned that the wounds might not be totally healed and a little microbe could find its way into my brain or limbs and give me another round of who knows what infection.  Oceans, pools, baths, and hot tubs were all off limits.  I was only allowed to shower - gently and quickly.

As one who loves to swim, it wasn't my favorite order, but I was happy that I was at least allowed to shower.  Cold sponge baths by strangers in the middle of the night were not high on my list of fun hospital adventures.

Hundreds of penguins - protected on the
Punta Tombo preserve.
I kept out of the water as long as possible and as long as seemed necessary.  I watched my kids dive and swim and enjoy the ocean nearly every day while I wadded in the water up to my ankles.  I even avoided pools. Finally, I gave in after more than three month.  On a hot, lovely day, with waves and penguins swimming next to the shore calling my name, I could no longer resit.  My first dunk under the water was liberating, chic and a little taste of heaven.
Penguins on the boardwalk.

The water in Puerto Madryn is cold.  So cold that for the last few weeks small groups of penguins have been swimming near the shore, and every so often, we get to swim with them.  And yes, I am the girl that got hypothermia swimming across Lake Sammamish in Seattle a few years ago, and now I am swimming with penguins, albeit for a very short time - within fifteen minutes I retreat to the hot sand to warm up.

Punta Tombo - penguin paradise!
I savor every moment, even though I can only swim with one arm - I rock the side stroke, but that is it.  Everything else is a one-armed mess.  The kids joke that I can only swim in circles, like I am a row boat with one paddle.  Whatever!!  I feel like all is right with the world.  My scars are sore and itchy, oh so itchy, but they haven't leaked a drop in months.  Quite frankly, they better be healed, because I do not want to test the hospital skills in Puerto Madryn!

The weather is quickly changing to fall and the beaches are emptying.  I will get in as many swims as I can, and then I will look forward to summer in Seattle where I can enjoy more brain surgery, scars and orders to avoid the water all over again.  Ha!  Oh yeah!  Life is good!