Friday, March 2, 2018


Toto Time!!!  When we arrived in Argentina, I knew my bikini bottoms were WAY TO BIG.  Most of the women between the ages of 15 and 65 sport thongs or G-strings and share their Totos with the world.  It doesn’t matter how big or small the Toto, it is on display for the beach to enjoy.  I am not going to lie; it is fascinating!  

My extra large BATHING SUIT!
Que extraño?! How strange!
The best part is sitting on the beach and seeing an enormous Toto.  It is not unkind or rude to comment on an extra large Toto.  “Mira Mira – un Toto grande!”  In the vein of honesty, friends comment on all sizes and styles of Toto.  If there is a special Toto, it is noted as a matter of fact.


  1. Oh, my goodness! I couldn't have worn a thong even when my toto was young and firm! Cringe!

  2. Hi Carmela, Thanks for the update on your life in Argentina. What unique experiences you have on the beach. Those South Americans sure have an obsession with their bodies. I 'm a little embarrassed to see pictures of them. Maybe they just can't afford a little more material for bathing suits.JAJA. It's wonderful that you have so many friends there and in the States. YOu are so lucky. It won't be long and you'll be heading home. Make the most of your foreign adventure as possible. We think of you and Sojo and Antonio every day. God bless you a great big bunch. Lots of LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Grammy

  3. This is my favorite post, so excellent and funny!! And I learned a new word-Toto’s. Thanks for always brightening up everyone’s day!!
