Friday, July 27, 2018

Back in Seattle - What the Kids' Think


I am happy to be back in Seattle, but I really miss Argentina.  Now that we have moved back into our house, it feels like we never went to Argentina in the first place. Everything is back to normal except for Moms scar on her head.

As we unpacked and got settled, our house was like a zoo.  My room was a monkeys cage.  It was super messy!  I found a broken wine glass in my closet; my curtains were stained; there was a rainbow of paint colors all over my desk; there were forks and spoons in the drawers and under the bed; there was a Native American Halloween costume on the floor, and a cigarette.  There were a few awesome things.  I found pennies and change all over the house.  I went on a scavenger hunt, and when I was done, I had a whole cup full of pennies!

A few days ago, Mom dropped a battery, and it rolled under her bed, so she looked under her bed for the battery.  She found more than the battery, so we took the bed apart to get under it and see what was down there.  We found a fork, a spoon, a lightsaber chopstick, dental floss, a mini tube of toothpaste, food coloring, two dirty socks, a nickel, and a pencil.  The most amazing thing that we found under the bed was a Nintendo DS that was still working!!  I do not want to give it back to the renters, but Mom says I have to.  Right now I am going to ask my mom if I can play on it.  She said no.  

Caleb Antonio 

The best part of coming back to Seattle is my friends.  Now we get to go to the pool a lot with Carey.  I went to a parade and played legos with Finn and Aiden and Nora.  I went to Clives mom and dads houses, and Clive made me a new deck of Pokemon cards and taught me how to play the game.  We do not need to go to school because it is summer.

The worst part was leaving Argentina.  I really miss my friends Simon, Salva, Tomy Semino and Leo.  They were my best friends.  We had a huge pretend family.  I was the kid.  Salva was my dad.  Simon was my brother.  Tomy was my uncle.  They were the best.


Coming home was great of course, but it was also hard.  It was terrible to leave Argentina, and it was hard work to return.  The house was a mess!  It was like a tornado has spun through leaving stains, splotches, dirt, dust, and disorder.  The shower curtain alone told the story.  Dont even start me going on the walls.  I might add that gum goes in the trash can when you are done with it. Basically the entire house was a mess. 
Once we settled in it was a lot better though.  I even got my own room back.  That was really nice because I was tired of sharing a room with SoJo and Caleb.  They seemed to love it though.  Caleb is still sleeping with SoJo in her bed. 

I am happy to have more music freedom too.  I have Dads old iPod Touch, and some speakers from his lab, so I can listen to all the music I want in my room and not have to turn it off.  In fact, I am listening to music right now!  Any music recommendations would be greatly appreciated. 

It was totally awesome to see my friends again.  It was like the weekend after a long week of school.  I have been spending a lot of time with some amazing people including Lila, Mandi, Grace, Sofia, and Nina.  I am telling you, they are awesome people!  I hope I can see all my friends again soon!

I know I am not going to see any of the kids from Argentina soon, but using WhatsApp, I am keeping in touch.  I do video calls, texting, and photos every chance I get.  I miss them, but there is still plenty of time to enjoy life and see them again.  

Here things are almost back to normal.  At least normal to the standards of an abnormal family.  For example, I went to mass on Sunday dressed as Madonna.  

Even in our normal life, there is still a small pain in the back of our heads because we miss the people and life in Argentina.  We love them and always will.  

I 💝 Argentina and Puerto Madryn.


  1. Always good for the kids point of view for a reality check! Happy to read their reflections. Hope recovery is going well. Nancy and Jim

  2. Carmela...Music recommendations? Try “Champion” by Carrie Underwood. ;)
    Kids...I loved all of your entries for different reasons. Sojo, you provided so much rich detail I could picture it all. Caleb, you brought the emotion in describing the conflicted feelings of saying goodbye and hello again to old friends. Carmela, i loved the authenticity of your writing.
    Anyway, we are glad to have you back and can’t wait to see you again.

  3. Loved to read each of your stories and thoughts. Can’t wait to hear more! Walking home from OmCulture will be more fun....passed year jasmine kept saying ‘that’s SoJos house ‘ .... in the fall we might see you there too!
