Friday, September 29, 2017

Cars, Kids, and Hairball Comedy

Are we settled yet? The simple answer is, almost. 

In the morning... before the problems started.
Tuesday, September 26th was Adam and I’s dating anniversary.  Twenty-five years ago we were making out in his mom’s living room, like you do when you are 17 and 18, and your parents aren’t home, when he asked me, “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” Of course I said yes; then we quit smooching and went boogie boarding Southside of the HB pier.  It was awesome. 

Never did I imagine that 25 years later we would be dealing with our brand new, used car that had just broken down, three kids stranded in a foreign school, and a bathroom that emanated sewer fumes and drainage problems. 

A few months ago I dreamed that life would be smooth and simple, and we would spend our anniversary evening sharing a bottle of Mendoza malbec as we enjoyed an ocean view in a quiet restaurant – just the two of us. 

That did not happen.

The day before we paid $8500 cash for a used Chevy Meriva, and we were excited to get into our routine.  We cancelled the pricey Transporte Escolar school bus and planned our commutes.  Adam was on afternoon pick up, and I was doing some shopping downtown.  When I arrived home at 5:15PM, I found Adam in a panic.  The car had broken down two blocks from the house, school was out, and the kids were stranded. 
No problems yet...

Yikes.  Our friend Mariana rescued us.  She called the school and went to pick up the kids; Adam left to try to move the car to the gas station – hoping it had only run out of gas, and I began preparing dinner. 

As I was slicing an eggplant and stirring the marinara sauce, the kids arrived home with their usual after-school chaos.  I was chopping, listening, helping with homework, nagging about cuadernos and tareas, when there was a knock at the door. 

Next thing I knew, we had a plumber in the bathroom asking for a plastic bag, so he could stick his arm down the backed-up floor drain.  A minute later, Thiago, our landlady’s son, showed up to play and wanted to know the date of his next Spanish lesson with Carmela.  Then Luciano, who introduced us to the car sales man, arrived anxious and distressed looking for Adam – I had no idea where he was.  At this point, he had been gone for over an hour.

As Luciano drove off, the plumber emerged from the bathroom with a grapefruit-sized hairball and wanted to leave it in the kitchen.  Really?  Had he not seen the size of our kitchen?  Maybe he missed it since it is about the same size as the HAIRBALL!!  Oh yes, please just toss it in the pot with the ravioli!  Delicious! 

Two minutes later, Adam showed up at the door.  By this time the hairball made it outside, and eventually Adam and Luciano united.  They spent the next 45 minutes on the phone with the car dealership as I got the kids fed and tidied up. 

Just after 7:00 Adam came in starving, but the car was fixed.  I reheated our mundane anniversary dinner on the stove, and we sent the kids off to read and relax.

The dream of a bottle of wine turned into a shared glass over a particle board table and luke-warm food, and our romantic dinner conversation focused on the car’s alarm system which caused the whole problem. 

Apparently our awesome Chevy has a “secret button” that the dealer forgot to mention.  It is attached to the wire under the dashboard, and when Adam is driving the car without my alarm box in the car, the auto thinks that it is being stolen, and it shuts off.  You have to press the secret button to tell the car that it is safe and in the hands of its loving owners (or any thief that knows where the magic button is hiding). 

By 8:00 dinner was complete, and our brains were fried.  Adam passed out on our bed shortly after.  There was no making out. 

The good news is that the bathroom doesn’t smell like a sewer anymore; the car works; the trash collectors disposed of the gargantuan hairball, and Tiago is coming over for his English lesson on Thursday.  Maybe in another month we’ll feel more settled, and Adam and I can plan that fancy date.  Happy 25th Anniversary Babe!  I love you!

We did celebrate with a delicious chocolate cake a few days later.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Carmela's First Party Invitation

Check out the times for this 12 year old birthday party.  

I know it is fuzzy - but yes, that says 21:00 - 24:00.  WTF?  They are TWELVE!

Sure Carmela, you can go, but your parents will be asleep before it starts.  Hope you can get a ride there and back, and, by the way, you're not allowed to be grouchy in the morning.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Thinking of Coming for a Visit???

Now that we are settling in and learning our way around, we are excited to have visitors. Here is a little information to help you plan your trip!

We live in Puerto Madryn, Chubut province, Argentinian, at the northern end of Patagonia.  To get us, you must fly to Buenos Aires and then catch an Andes Air flight to Puerto Madryn.  The flights to Puerto Madryn from Buenos Aires are intermittent, and I think there is only one flight a day, around noon.  The flight from Buenos Aires to Puerto Madryn costs between $100 and $150 per ticket - each way, and it takes about 2 hours.  They usually fly old 737s, so it may bring back some memories of flying in the 80's.  The seats are close together, but at least it is not a prop plane - because it is BUMPY coming into Patagonia.  There is some serious wind in this land!

Bienvenidos a Nuestra Casa!
Puerto Madryn is on the coast.  It is in a bay, and it is gorgeous.  Every day (June - Nov.) the 60 foot long Southern Right whales are rolling, jumping, and playing close to the shore.  You can hear them breathing from our front door in the mornings.  Dogs rule the streets and wind rules the air.  It is FLAT.  This is the FLATagonia part of Patagonia.  We are not close to the Andes.  The ground is sandy; the plants are shrubs at best with espinas that want to kill you, and the air is so dry that body odor doesn't exist.  Seriously.

The kids enjoying their gigantic room!
We are also close to Peninsula Valdez.  We have yet to explore this as a family, but Adam was there two years ago and gawked at the bounty of penguins.  There are also seals and elephant seals with Orcas snatching them off the beach for a quick snack - INSANITY!!! Rheas, guanacos and maras inhabit the dry earth, but don't ask me what these things are.  I have no idea.  The peninsula is a few hours away, but promises some amazing wild life.

Head to Toe
 Where to stay... Currently, our living situation is stable until December 15th.  After that, we are not sure what we are going to do.  We are hoping to stay in our house until the end of December, and then return in February, but it may be too pricey since the cost goes to a day-rate for the summer months.  We plan to travel during the month of January, so if you want to see us you will need to track us down in the Mendoza wine country, the Andes, or Chile.  We will be back in February, and that might just be a fabulous month to come!  The weather is lovely; it is the last summer month, and the kids are out of school until March 1st.

Yup - that's the whole kitchen.  Watch your head- and
you really can touch both walls at once!
Our home is a small 2 bedroom cabana.  The kids all share one cramped room with three beds, and Adam and I cozy up in the double bed in the other.  Our couch is available for guests, but it is made of concrete and brick and is rather uncomfortable and small.  We do have an extra mattress in the living room (because where else would you put an extra bed?), and you are welcome to crash on that.  Our kitchen is tiny, our bathroom is tiny (but it has a bidet, which is lovely), and our walk to the beach is tiny.  Perfecto!

The back of the concrete couch!  Brick and mortar!
If crashing on the twin mattress in the living room doesn't sound appealing, we would be happy to help you rent a place in our little compound.  Daniela, the owner, is warm, friendly, and absolutely lovely.  She is full of kisses for everyone and tells us she loves us all the time (despite our complaints about the sewage flooding the bathroom, the smell in the bathroom, the heater not working, the oven not working, and everything else we complain about 😝).  There are casitas on our corner for 2-6 people.  The thing she does need to know are dates!!  If you are planning to come and want to rent a place, things are filling up fast for the summer months (Dec. - Feb.).  If you are planning to come with a larger group (like how about a JSIS winter break trip??), we can get the word out and look for a house for everyone to share.

Nothing like down jackets, beanies, and wool sweaters
in the house... got to get that heater working!
How long to stay...  It is a TREK to get down here.  We left on a Sunday and got to Puerto Madryn on Tuesday afternoon.  Puerto Madryn is 4 hours ahead of PST, but that doesn't account for much.  Once you arrive in Buenos Aires, you will probably need to stay the night unless you arrive early in the morning.  Even if you arrive early at the international airport, you will still need to get a bus across the city to the local airport.  Flights to Puerto Madryn do not leave from the International Airport.

That being said, unless you are hardcore, I would plan to stay for a minimum of 10 days in Argentina.  That accounts for 2 inter-country travel days and 4 days at two different locations.  In three to four days, you can see all of Puerto Madryn, and then have an additional four to five days to explore Buenos Aires, or Bariloche, or Iguasu Falls, or Ushuaia, or Mendoza, or any of the other amazing places the country has to offer.

Please be in touch and let us know your plans!  Estamos entusiasmado a comparte nuestro vida con ustedes!  Muchos Beso y Abrazos!

Friday, September 22, 2017

First Day of School

As promised, Carmela will be chiming in on the blog every so often.  Here is her first post.  Who better to write the blog about the first day of school than one who experienced it!

Today was my first day of school in Argentina. Have you ever wondered how Taylor Swift or Katy Perry feel when they are walking into a concert? Well I know. They feel COMPLETELY overwhelmed.

The first things students are supposed to do at my school in the morning are drop backpacks off in class and head to the gym to line up and hear the morning announcements. Instead half of my class and some others sixth graders were standing on the other side of the main glass doors. When we walked up they started waving, shouting, and pushing each other as they all tried to catch my attention.  Just waving back drew another shriek, sounding louder than a charging herd of hippos, as they announced to the rest of the group that I had noticed the stampede behind the two sets of glass doors.

The photo we got AFTER the bell rang
and the stampede moved to line up.
They stared at me the whole time dad took our picture. Mom’s idea. Thanks Mom (yeah right). When I went inside, it was just as bad. If Mom and Dad hadn’t walked in with us, we would have been completely mobbed. Questions drifted over and small comments were whispered.  After SoJo and Caleb (Antonio) were taken to their lines by Mom and Dad, I went down to my line at the end of the gym.

“Hola, Carmela,” a voice said over my shoulder. I turned around and saw 3 girls standing in a small group. One was waving and grinning energetically the other two were smiling happily.

“Hola,” I said politely. It was my first mistake of the day. The one girl let out an ear piercing scream and started giggling and announced to both classes that I had spoken to her and that I wasn’t mute or deaf (just go with it). After that I decided to stick to the waving.

            When we got to class I had a very important decision to make.  I had to pick who I was going to sit with for the day.  I was told I could pick, but I didn’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings, so I said I didn’t care. One of the girls was waving and pointing to the seat next to her. She was one of the girls that I had waved to. The teacher told me to sit by her, so I pulled out the chair and sat.  Everybody was staring at me, and it was sort of creeping me out, so I was really happy when the teacher started talking.  Normally I would tell you her name, but I can’t remember it, so for now she is just teacher.  I guess that it sort of makes sense because everybody just called her, “Seño.”

The gym where students line up for morning announcements.
The principal brought Caleb, Carmela, and SoJo to the front
and introduced them to the whole school.
After we did the intro, we did math which was multiplying fractions. I was done before she started explaining, so I got to look around. Each desk could fit two people. Everyone sat in their uniforms - navy blue bottoms and a white top. Everybody has the school logo on their shirts - except for me. Mom said we should get them here.  Thanks Mom.  My shirt also has a collar and puffs on the shoulders. Thanks again, Mom. 

At least we got our school sweatshirts here.  I thought that was a good thing until I found out that everybody had the sixth grade graduation sweatshirt, which was different than the one mom bought for me. :( But now I get to where my normal sweatshirt. Mom will go through and edit this, so she will probably finish the story. I just gave you the outline (wink wink). (Note from Mom – yes, our kids have white polo shirts, and the other kids have white t-shirts with the school logo on them.  That is just the way it is for now!  Life isn’t always fair – but to be honest, their polo shirts look very nice). Yeah right.

            During lunch we went home on the Escolar Transporte (private school bus – this is a giant van with no seatbelts.  It costs a lot of money, and they stuff as many kids as the can inside – all seats are shared plus kids are standing).  They said it could take an hour round trip.  It only took 30 minutes. YAY!!!!!! :)

When we went back to school for our afternoon classes, we all went to English class.  That is the only one I will Ace. :) We played A Tisket A Tasket. When I got the letter, I chased after the kid, but the tread on my shoes was horrible. I am just going to hurry up and get to the point.

Fine. I wiped out. Ok?

Yes.  I cried.  I landed on my left side and was bleeding on my hip and elbow.

The end. End of story. Good bye. 

OK.  I will end on a happy note.

:) :) :) :) :) I AM STILL ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)