Friday, September 8, 2017

Are You Excited???

People often ask the kids, "Are you excited?"  The short answer is not so much, but they have accepted the idea and are getting excited about small parts of the trip.

The kids attended the first three days of school this week in Seattle.  Carmela started middle school and is bummed about leaving her friends, new freedoms and responsibilities.  She is enjoying the fact that she does not have to complete her first math homework assignment due in two weeks.

First day of 6th grade at Hamilton Middle School
Caleb announced after his first day in second grade that he would rather go to school every weekend day for the entire year than move to Argentina.  Wow.  But he loved picking out his Star Wars sheets for his new bed. 

First day of 2nd grade at JSIS

SoJo wants to know if there will be pancakes and syrup on the plane for breakfast.

First day of 4th grade at JSIS

1 comment:

  1. So, CAN she pick it up and pet it? I think this is a valid question!
