Friday, April 20, 2018

The Joy of JAMIE!

I will never be able to properly thank all of the people that have helped and continue to help me recover my life.  Jamie Kieserman went above and beyond and beyond and beyond in ways I can never repay.  In addition to being our neighbor and close friend, Jamie is an incredible ER doctor and professor of medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle.  

She has saved our family on numerous occasions.  In 2015 when I returned to the US with the kids after three weeks in Guatemala, SoJo was having a weird allergic reaction.  The advice nurses wanted me to take her to the emergency room at 9 PM after little sleep and a full day of travel, but Jamie examined her, prescribed some over the counter Benadryl from her cabinet and called it good until the morning when we could visit SoJo’s primary care physician.  

Caleb Antonio tiene ganas de Jamie!
In 2016 when Caleb was pulsing blood from his head after he cracking it open on a corner while running in the halls at school, Jamie scooped him from the office, took him home, and was stitching him up as I arrived on my bike from work 45 minutes later.  Caleb was grinning, watching a video, and looking forward to a promised popsicle. He still fondly recalls the event and sports a small scar on his forehead as a happy reminder.

Jamie and Javier got to meet for the first time!
I truly truly love these two!!
Jamie was 7000 miles away when I was run down by Jesus, yet she was 100 percent involved in my care.  She was in constant contact with Adam, my doctors in Buenos Aires, and neurosurgeons in Seattle.  She found Javier, a colleague’s cousin’s, brother’s, uncle’s, grandma’s, dog-walker’s, friend’s, neighbor… or something like that... who lived and worked in Buenos Aires.  Even though Javier is an ICU doctor in a different hospital, he did everything he could to help.  With his recommendation, Adam moved me to Hospital Italiano where Javier enlisted the best orthopedic surgeon in the country to mend my shoulder. Javier visited my ICU room frequently and recommended Claudio and Sonia as my therapists in Puerto Madryn.  He called them in December and told them to expect me in January. 

When I was prematurely released from the ICU, Jamie was the first one Adam contacted when my fever and vomiting hit.  They were on the phone at 4 in the morning, and I remember Jamie telling me I had to go back to the hospital.  I also remember begging her for two more hours of sleep.  A few hours later I was readmitted, spinal punctured, and diagnosed with meningitis.  

North America meets and loves South America!
Bring on the Fernet and Coke Ale and Javi!

Jamie didn’t stop there.  She WhatsApped with my doctors; she advised; she analyzed x-rays and CatScans and test results.  She connected us with neurosurgeons in Seattle.  She gathered cards and gifts and had a lovely care package delivered to my Buenos Aires door by her colleague’s delightful father.  She was a rock for Adam and me.  

What a magnificent joy it was when Jamie, Hans, Nina, and Margot arrived in Argentina and crossed our threshold!  It was an explosion of squeals and long embraces.   We were beyond ecstatic to see the fantastic Kieserman Krew and share our little house for five days.  

Hermosa Stella cut the boys hair!
We had a blast.  We were “Glamping,” aka “Glamor Camping” in our tiny two bedroom, one bathroom casita.  Jamie swept the floor three times a day because she got so much satisfaction with the continual piles of dirt that magically accumulated.  Hans manned the fly swatter and kept us relatively bug free, and Nina and Margot were impressive card sharks.  
Margot's first day of school in Patagonia

It was spectacular to have haircuts and colors and an asado with friends from two continents.  We relaxed and explored the lovely beaches, chased penguins and laughed with the sea lions, and sent our kids to school together – uniforms and all!

We ate empanadas, migas, choripan, lomo, mariscos, discos…  We drank mates, gorgeous wines, artisanal beers, Fernet and Coke, and savored hot fresh bread on a trice daily basis.  You could always find one of us at the Panaderia!  We savored every moment together, and I wouldn’t have been disappointed or surprised if their passports mysteriously disappeared.  

Jamie continued her kind and generous doctoring.  She snapped photos of my most recent shoulder x-rays and discussed my progress at length with Claudio.  I am honored, grateful, and humbled to have such a fantastic friend. I can never give enough thanks.  

Te amo amiga!  Un monton de besos y abrazos!

Ale!  Dos mates y una playa hermosa! 
Nina rocking it in school!

Ice cream and roller blades... what is not to love!


  1. What a wonderful friendship! Enjoy your last months there. Love, Nancy

  2. You all are sooooooo blessed to know and love and help each other. Praise God for all the love and kindness. Thank you to the Nth, Jamie and Hans, for everything. We are deeply grateful and ask the Good Lord to continue to use you in such wonderful ways which bring so much joy to others. Dorli AKA Grammy
