Friday, April 27, 2018

The Shoulder Montage

Shoulder recovery..."One to two years," warned the orthopedic doctor!!  Loco!  I don't have time for that!!

Or more honestly as Adam pointed out, I don't have the patience.  "Anne, you want everything to happen fast."  True Dat!!

Progress is slow - but it is happening.  These pictures are taken over a series of four months, all on the 18th day of the month because on the 18th of November 2017, my shoulder was run over by Jesus's Ford Fiesta and smashed into a whole lot of pieces.  I am kind of surprised that Jesus is a Ford guy, but that's cool.  I am glad he went for a small compact car and not the Ford Explorer.

Walking up the Wall
I use my fingers to walk my arm up the wall.  I don't have the strength to lift my arm this high on my own - yet!!
February 18, 2018
3 months post
January 18, 2018
2 months post accident

March 18, 2018
4 months
April 18, 2018
5 months

Arm Extension on Table
The goal of this is to simply lay my arm flat on the table.  

January 18, 2018

March 18, 2018

April 18, 2018

Lift Up to the Side
Using my own strength to lift my arm to the side.  No photo from January.  Bummer.

February - this is hard!!  I got Crazy Eyes!
March - Any Improvement?

Progress is SLOW, but I have intentions
to get WAY better at this.  I am fixated on building
some muscles this month.  

Lift Up to the Front
Same as above but forward.



Doesn't everyone do physical therapy
with Sriracha and mate?
I am working on building my muscles!  At CIK Claudio tells me to smile, then he straps weights on my arm, and I start lifting.  At home I do my "homework" and lift bottles of Sriracha, elastic bands made out of torn up pajamas, a wooden stick.  My arsenal of homemade therapy items rocks!  The only problem is I keep eating the Sriracha.

Lomitos with Fritz, Morena, Ale, Javi and hijos!

I feel like a body builder as I eat my protein powder every day.  I know I need more protein, but I am just a junkie for carbs!!  Any carb - carbs are so delicious, but I am eating more meat.  Thank God the beef down here lives up to its reputation.  I choke it down 3 or 4 times a year in the States, but the stories about Argentinian beef are true.  It is fantastic.

Rico lomo Javi!  Gracias!

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