Friday, May 18, 2018

Mothers' Day FAIL

I hope all you mamas, grandmamas, and future mamas had a fabulous Mother's Day!  I knew my kids weren't planning much, but I imagined I would take advantage of the day.  We previously prepared, sent off, and enjoyed our annual Mothers' Day video for the Grandmas, and I knew Antonio had something in the works because I was not allowed to enter the kids' room.

As I was preparing breakfast, Antonio and SoJo put their gifts on my chair.  It was sweet.  SoJo delivered a hastily written note that promised a 5 minute back massage anytime I wanted.  My petite little girl is actually pretty good at giving short back massages.  I was thrilled, especially with the scapular pain I ignore on a daily basis.

Carmela quickly chimed in and said that her gift to me was also back massages and extra prayers.  Thank you very much.  I am happy to cash in on both.

Maybe it's my fault...  I gave the kids big glasses
of Coke for the first time just to see what would happen.
My Mother's Day FAIL.
When I saw SoJo drop her dirty dishes in the sink after lunch, I decided to request my first massage.  She giggled, walked over to where I was sitting, and with two fingers she instigated and completed her massage in less than a second.  She thought this was hilarious and off she bounced to play in the other room.  Mothers' Day FAIL.

All day I hoped the kids would volunteer to do the dishes, set the table or prepare a meal.  Mothers' Day FAIL.  When dinner was over and no volunteering had ensued, I assigned them individual tasks... Antonio, wash the dishes.  SoJo, dry and put away the dishes.  Carmela, clean the table and sweep the floor.  It all got done, but next time I an not waiting for volunteers.  They can help with the cleaning after every meal, just like a regular day.

On Monday, I decided to try my back massage luck again, this time with Carmela.  After lunch, I asked, and she responded, "Yeah, but could you give me a shoulder massage too?"  Uh... sure?  Then she roller skated down the hall, and that was it.  Mothers' Day FAIL.

So what was Lil Antonio's gift?  It wasn't a back massage.  It was a wrapped up  McDonald's Happy Meal toy he got with his grandparents last summer.  Y'all are jealous.  Check out my sweet ride!!  I play with it several times a day.  It is pretty awesome.  No strings attached.  That's it.  Happy meal toy.  Personally I enjoy using it to drive the cat nuts-ball crazy, but that's cool!

Oh yeah - and Adam...  True, I am not his mother.  That would be really weird.  He sent a picture after he had spent the day hiking to amazing vistas with the WhatsApp message to the family, "Happy Mother's Day to you all!  I was thinking you when I was hiking to the top of this mountain on Crete."  I am laughing out loud as I write again... Mother's Day FAIL.

Photo evidence of the foto!!  Ha! Ja!

Five days later, I have yet to enjoy a back massage or a solitary hike on a Mediterranean Island, but  today Carmela asked for a pack of gum.  I told her she could sweep half of the house, and I would give her a pack with five pieces of watermelon flavored Extra.  She decided not to take the deal, but then she offered to give me a back massage in exchange for a pack of gum.  I laughed.  Really?  I thought that was my Mother's Day gift, and now you want a pack of gum for it?  Off she skated.  Mother's Day FAIL.

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