Friday, May 18, 2018

When Adam Is out of Town... the Cook Gets LAZY!

Beets and cheese on toasty grilled bread!
While Adam is enjoying his annual European work vacation, I bust out the quick and lazy recipes he doesn't favor, like beet sandwiches!  They are SO freaking fantastic, and he doesn't like them.  I don't know what his problem is??

Imagine, grilled feta or goat cheese on buttered sour dough, with a thick beet slice in the middle.  In Argentina, we go with whatever sliced cheese and whatever bread, but it is all good.  Sprinkle on some black pepper, and you are rocken it!

More olives please!

We also savor the panaderia's fresh pizza crusts.  We load them up at home with meat, cheese, and olives.  The kids are crazy about olives, and Adam can't stand them, so we olive it up on everything.

Oh the delicious salty preservatives!

And finally. the grand finale!  Top Ramen!!!  The salty, fried, noodle goodness packed with MSG and a mountain of other horrible things...  This is a special treat for our kids.  It is not something my heath-conscience self buys regularly, so to make myself feel better, I serve it with an equal amount of vegetables, and I enjoy the kids enthusiastic squeals of glee.  Personally, I enjoy the 3 minute cook time.  Fabulous!!

I compliment everything with a giant salad, so I am happy.  I throw in some extra lentils or walnuts for protein and call it done.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good! There's a new restaurant in your Wallingford neck of the woods, Pablo y Pablo (Picasso and Neruda). Amazing nachos and salads and tacos. Maybe it was open before you left, but something to look forward to. See you this summer.
