Thursday, December 28, 2017

Christmas - A Gift

Christmas was a lovely time spent with family.  We drove all over the place, but we enjoyed waking up with Adam's dad and his incredible wife Gloria.

We ate a mountain of food at my parents' house with my brother and his wife Teri and my Aunt Carol, and we enjoyed a traditional shot or two of anisette liquor with Adam's mom, sister and her husband and daughter.  By 7:00 I was exhausted and crashed out on the bed.

This entire Christmas season, we have been in awe and humbled by the kindness that has been showered upon our family.  I can not even begin to describe how unworthy I feel from the generosity shown to our family.

We were shocked when Christmas presents started arriving for our children from anonymous friends. Did I blog that I wasn't buying presents this year?  I don't remember!  It is true - for the first time ever, we didn't sent out Christmas cards or buy gifts.  This year we were celebrating the gift of life, which is fine when you are 42, but not so much when you are 9.  Needless to say, our kids were thrilled with the stockings and gifts and love they received.

It was also beautiful to watch them find joy in giving gifts to others.  My dad took them to the Dollar Store prior to Christmas, and they had a blast carefully selecting gifts and spending their earned money (and I am sure some of Grandpa's money) to bring joy to others.

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