Friday, December 22, 2017

What do the KIDS think?

After nearly a month apart, I was missing our kids terribly!  When they finally arrived in California, I was ready to squish them with hugs and smother them with questions.  I wanted to know everything... How were they doing?  What were they thinking?  How were they feeling?  Were they worried?  My questions were endless.

Caleb, our happy go lucky child, maintained his positive spirit and had no interest in my peaceful interrogation.  He just wanted to play.  He made swords with tinker toys and candidly told me that the only thing that he was upset about was that he missed a playdate at his best friend's house in Puerto Madryn because he had to fly to Buenos Aires to see me in the hospital!  Wow.  Awesome - I think?!?!

SoJo, who is most cuddly and chatty, said that she cried every night before bed, and that she missed us, but she wasn't afraid.  She LOVED my short hair and wanted to cut hers in the same fashion.  Once I colored my hair, she loved it even more, and thought I looked totally cool.  She enjoys looking at my body and scars and stated, "Mom, with that scar, and that scar, and that scar and the one on your head, you look tough!"  Yeah!!  That's right.  You have a kick-ass mom SoJo!

Carmela was candid and clear that she wasn't worried because I wasn't worried.  She remembers seeing me in the hospital two days after the accident, and I was a hot mess.  She didn't like seeing the tubes with "cranberry juice" coming out of my head, but I was talking and acting "normally enough," so she thought everything would be fine.

She admits that the only time she lost it was went Grammy and Nonno said that they had to visit me in Buenos Aires because I might die.  That freaked her out, but when her analytical brain asked what was the precent chance that I would die, and they said 2%, her fears were relieved.  Then she was upset because she had to get back on the plane again and miss a school party.  She has also been an adamant supporter and lover of the new hair - her first question was, "Can I color my hair the same as yours?"

It became apparent that the kids and I were in the same state of mind throughout my hospital stays in Buenos Aires.  We were all living in La-La land that there was really not much wrong and everything would be fine.  What a blessing from God, and so far, I continue to get better every day.  I am back to assigning and checking homework for the kids, and I am loving it.  There is nothing better than listening to Caleb read me a dragon story!


  1. You and Adam have done an amazing job raising Carmela, SoJo and Caleb! They are loving, kind, intelligent and respectful (and hella funny!) so much love for y’all πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  2. I am in awe of you and your family. You are all just amazing and we love you so much! πŸ’—

  3. I love the photos - you are a beautiful soul with hair and kids as awesome as you are :)
