Saturday, June 30, 2018

Home... One year later...

We don't have a huge house by American standards, but it feels enormous.  I miss our little two bedroom, one bath, backyard cottage in Puerto Madryn.  The kids and I could clean the whole place in 30 minutes, and our possessions were minimal.

Our Seattle renter moved to his new location last week, and we were able to move back in early.  The house required extensive cleaning, and even with the help of professionals, it has been exhausting.  It is the exact reason I was dreading the return to Seattle life.  Seeing friends is awesome.  Taking care of a 2400 sq. ft., five bedroom, three bath house is too much.   The amount of work required to keep everything clean, organized, and running efficiently is no joke.

Six months before we left on sabbatical, we parted ways with our weekly house cleaners after they took the kids' Halloween candy several weeks in a row and then tried to raise the rates.  I was slightly annoyed.  It came at an insanely busy time in our lives, but I taught the kids how to clean every part of the house, and for two hours on Friday afternoons, we busted it out and got it done.  It was satisfying and somehow fun, and it felt really good when it was finished, and we had a sparkly-clean home.  The kids learned responsibility and skills.

So many boogers on the walls.
I am not making this up!!

Too many to count.

A little Sharpie greeting on
the wall welcoming us home.
I can't get it off!!  Help!!
When we got back in the house last week, we worked together again.  We cleaned walls, chairs, rugs, floors, organized...  We dusted baseboards, scrubbed burners, and chased cobwebs.  The list went on and on.  The items I wish I had banned from entering the house includes: boogers, sharpies, boogers, hot glue guns, boogers, exploding ink pens, boogers, cat claws and litter (although that might have made a bigger mess 😝), and BOOGERS!!

Sofia so happy in her explosion. 
We are not finished, but our house is beginning to resemble our normal life.  Box after box is coming in from the garage.  The kids take the explosion approach in their rooms while Adam and I are methodical and finish one box before moving on to the next.

As each item is extracted, I wonder why I need it.  I survived a year full of joy and peace and happiness without it, but now I am putting it in a drawer or on a shelf or in a closet.  Why?

I dream of a simpler life, but I dream that dream on a super comfy, extra cozy, foam mattress with the twinkle of the Space Needle visible through the window as I snuggle under my down comforter.  UGH!!  WHY?!?!?!?

Carmela loves her chaos!

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