Friday, June 8, 2018

Saying Goodbye Sucks

For as long as I can remember, my mom has disapproved of the word suck.  When I was a kid, saying it risked getting my mouth washed out with soap.  Suck is strong and vulgar, but sometimes it is the precise word for the moment, and when leaving Madryn, it was the only word that came to mind.  I am risking the soap!  

I love these ladies!!  Thank you Sonia!
I don’t cry often, but goodbyes can bring out my emotions.  My waterfalls started at therapy on Friday morning and continued as I picked the kids up from their last day of school.  

I can never thank Claudio enough.
He is the reason I can move my
arm and run again. 

In January, I walked in the door at CIK physically weak and wrecked, and I left in June with strength and the groundwork for a full recovery.  Claudio and Sonia helped restore my life and my body. Their consistent smiles, love, and care for people and patients is a testimony to their dedication and joy in their work.  

I was so teary on Friday that with a smile and laugh Claudio told my well-wishers to stop talking to me to avoid more downpours.  I was such a mess that I had to go back in on Monday morning for a real goodbye with a smile, love, and mostly dry eyes.  

AN-TO - as his friends love to call him.
Defina, Vicki, Juani, Anto, Simon, Francisco 
Picking up the kids from La Escuela de la Costa for the last time brought on another waterfall.  At the end of the day ceremony, SoJo and Antonio were selected to take down and carry the Argentinian flag as the school sang the bandera song.  

Flor, Delfina, Paula, Matilda, Sofia, Delfi
Surrounding SoJo with Love
Watching my two gringos sing and carefully fold the pride of their adopted country engorged my heart.  In their final moments they were recognized by the teachers, and the students began chanting SO-FI, AN-TO-NIO, louder and louder until the gymnasium was exploding with energy.  

They were swarmed with beautiful, strong hugs, love, friends, and hope.  They shined in friendship, and I stood on the sideline, tears streaming down my red, snotty face while videotaping the jubilee. 

In addition to packing, returning, dispersing, and organizing our nine months of Patagonian life, the rest of the weekend was spent enjoying friends with hopes of seeing them again… one day...  I’ll let the pictures tell the story.    

La CIK Familia de Gymnasia Mañana
Los quiero!

Lubina!  Sushi dinner!
Love you!!
SoJo's last sleepover with Delfi, Laura, and Martina
Ale and Javi - always a good time!!

It might be a little out of focus, because we were!
Good times with Ale, Javier, friends and family!

La Sagrada Familia
Padre Fabian
Another tearful goodbye
The parroquia has been an incredible blessing in our lives.

Carmela wouldn't let me attend her despedida
and last moments at school -
I am too embarrassing!
But I was allowed to snap a picture at her last pijamada
sleepover with Pau, Martina, and Cami.
Friends for life.

Stella.  I don't have words to describe our friendship.
A gift, a treasure, love.

POCHOCHO! Lula, Mumo and Delfi!
They are in our hearts and we will think of them
daily as we enjoy Lulu's paintings!
See you soon in Seattle!

The Verduleria!
Always the best from these awesome caballeros!

And finally - the folks at CENPAT!
Mil Gracias!!
The reason we are were able to enjoy our time
in Puerto Madryn!
Thank you Mariana y Luciano y Todos!
Que rico asado!!
This is embarrassing...
Why do we have so much luggage???
Because I am bringing home kilos of


  1. Safe Travels. We will welcome you home to Seattle later this summer!

  2. Feliz viaje Anne! Esta será mi última semana en JSIS ya que trabajaré para Lake Washington el año escolar que viene. Espero no perder contacto con ustedes y poder verlos cuando regresen. ¡Ya veo que Carmela está lista para la fiesta! Jiji
